
How do people make decisions under the restraints of limited resources? How can mathematical models and statistical analysis help us understand the implications of those decisions? And how can incentives alter our decision making processes? 如果这些问题引起了你的兴趣, UNE’s 副修经济学 just may be the perfect complement to your major field of study. You’ll discover that 经济学 intersects many disciplines and has applications in a diverse range of fields, 从金融, 政府, 从医疗保健到教育, 环境, 以及社会服务. 此外, the critical and analytic thinking skills that you acquire in the Economics minor can be broadly applied to virtually any field, making this an ideal program for enhancing your professional prospects. 

A U N E student explains a graph drawn on a whiteboard, titled "Money Market," to a fellow student


Contrary to popular belief, not all economists work in the finance industry. Many different fields require professionals who are familiar with economic theories and who can implement economic tools of analysis. UNE’s Economics minor is not just a pared down version of an 经济学 major. It is a unique program that supports and complements study in multiple fields. 

  • Offers diverse courses and small class sizes 
  • 促进跨学科研究 
  • Supports internships with many local partner companies 
  • Enhances career prospects no matter what your major is

作为可持续发展和商业专业的学生, I found that an Economics minor helped me tie together the two elements of 环境 and business within my major. I feel as though this minor has greatly complemented my major and has made me a more versatile and well-rounded student.” — 艾比·安德森,23岁



Whether you’re discussing current events in class, 进行市场分析, completing a research project in consumer behavior, 或者在当地企业实习, UNE’s Economics minor is all about getting the hands-on practice that you need to bring knowledge of 经济学 into your chosen career path.


辅修经济学, you can meld your knowledge of 经济学 with your major area of study through a wide variety of 研究项目, 如:

  • Analyzing census data to determine economic outcomes
  • 研究消费者行为
  • Performing a supply and demand analysis within a particular industry


Interning at a local business is a great way to explore ways in which you can combine your interest in 经济学 with your passion for your major. Our Economics minors have interned at a variety of sites, including:

  • Manomet U360
  • 房地产中介
  • 土地信托组织
  • 保险公司
  • 商会
  • 市政厅
  • 本地艺术倡导团体


In addition to required courses in Micro经济学 and Macro经济学, other coursework in the minor may include:

  • 环境经济学
  • 国际贸易与金融
  • 卫生保健经济学
  • 货币、信贷和银行业务
  • Economic Development of the United States


A student with a major other than 业务 Administration may, with the permission of the academic director, 副修经济学. 学生 with a major 工商管理 may pursue one of the concentrations within the business administration degree, including but not limited to management, 市场营销, 经济学, 国际业务, 社会创新, 创业, 或者卫生部门管理.

BUEC 203 -宏观经济学3
BUEC 204 -微观经济学3
四(4)300- or 400-level Program Specific Electives (see below)12
Program Specific Electives (may include but are not limited to the following)学分
BUEC 365 – Evolution of Economic Theory3
BUEC 370 -货币信贷和银行业务3
BUEC 375 – 国际贸易与金融3
BUEC 380 – Economic Development of the U.S.3
BUEC 385 -卫生经济学3
BUEC 390/ENV 324 – 环境经济学3
BUEC 395 -生态经济学3
PSC 322 – Inter国家 Political Economy3

要了解更多,请参阅 学术目录.



Through your strong foundation in economic analysis, as well as your experiences with interdisciplinary study, 研究项目, 学生实习, you will graduate fully prepared to apply your understanding of economies and how they function to the work being done in a variety of different fields.

Specific careers that are well-suited to someone with an Economics minor include:

  • 预算或信用分析师
  • 金融分析师
  • 精算师
  • 会计
  • 投资顾问
  • 市场研究员/价格分析师
  • 小企业主
  • 健康经济学家
  • 项目/管理顾问
  • 项目评估者
  • 商业软件开发人员
  • 人力资源专员
  • 政治分析家
  • 政治事务主任
  • 政策分析
  • 情报分析师
Pair an Economics Minor With a UNE Major in 在…领域的职业生涯
  • 环境科学
  • 环境研究
  • 海洋科学
  • 海洋事务
  • 环境政策
  • 医学生物学
  • 公共卫生
  • 社会工作
  • 健康, 健康, and Occupational Studies
  • 卫生政策
  • 政治科学
  • 教育
  • 犯罪学
  • 公共政策
  • 应用数学
  • 数据科学
  • 会计
  • 数据挖掘
  • 精算分析
  • 市场分析
  • 全球研究
  • 应用社会与文化研究
  • 国际关系
  • 可持续发展与商业
  • 海洋创业
  • 自主创业
  • 社会学
  • 心理学
  • 市场研究分析
  • 咨询
  • 市场营销与广告
  • 行为金融学



缅因州的排名 解析:选D.C. 在最高平均经济学家工资中

Zippia 2022

国家 经济学家平均工资

U.S. 美国劳工统计局,2020年



联系 本科招生 at (800) 477-4863 or 电子邮件admissions@domestictunerz.com. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.